On 15 May 2024, Colin Jones presented to Hamilton City Council about the Long-Term Plan.
Video of that presentation can be found at this link
The major issues raised by Colin Jones included:
- Problems with how developer contributions (DCs) are modeled which will cause the City Council having significant funding from that source as predicted.
- Council’s models of expected income from developer contributions are “not believable”.
- Overestimation of available sites for infill housing building sites due to not accounting for infrastructure needs, restrictive covenants, and commercial feasibility.
- There is is need for a forensic audit of Council’s financial records.
- Developer agreements between private developers and City Council have been signed and are kept confidential. The deals, with the details
- Revaluing parks, reserves, and land under roads to increase the amount of asset value on the Council books.
- This revaluing is used to justified more City Council borrowing.
- Formal complaints have been made to the City Council, and issues have been raised with the Ministers of Local Government.
- Issues have been referred to the Ombudsman.
- Practically no accountability for “staff stuff-ups” and overspending on projects.
Key Documents mentioned in Colin Jones’ presentation can be found in these links below
HCC. Power Point to Annual. LTP . DC Modelling. 13.5.2024_2
2023-24 Annual Plan – Hamilton City Council – Citizen Space
HCC. Annual Plan Submission 2022.23. 4.5.2023 – C Jones
HCC. Submission Draft Annual Plan. 15.4.2024
HCC. Submission. 10 yr plan 2024 to 2034. 16.4.2024
Jones – Letter Minister 060623
Jones – Letter Minister 021023
Jones – Letter Ombudsman 301123
Response from Minister Thomas Gibbons