This petition to parliament is due to close on 19 November 2024 (11:59 pm).
Go to this link to sign the petition…
Petition title and text copied below..
“Petition of Fluoride Free New Zealand: Stop water fluoridation”
“Petition request
That the House of Representatives stop water fluoridation.
Petition reason
Many qualified scientists say that exposure to the levels of fluoride in fluoridated communities causes a level of harm comparable to lead. The US National Toxicology Program’s 6-year review confirms that fluoride may lower children’s IQ. The Cochrane Review 2015, CATFISH study (2022, UK), and LOTUS study (2023, UK) show little or no benefit to teeth from fluoridated water.”
Fluoride Free NZ is driving the petition and are likening the impacts of fluoride exposure to lead exposure. Their page about the petition can be found at this link.
“The latest science shows that fluoridation is ineffective at reducing tooth decay by any significant amount in today’s society, and that levels of exposure in fluoridated communities causes Central Nervous System damage, including IQ loss comparable to Lead.”
Petition to stop Lead-Like Damage Caused by Fluoridation, Fluoride Free NZ, 05 August 2024
Articles related to this issue:
US court ruling on fluoride in drinking water being a health hazard