In New Zealand, city councils usually produce a Long-Term Plan every three years. The council’s Long-Term Plan document covers council’s plans for next 10-years. This often includes rates increases, debt level targets, spending plans, major projects, and high-level council priorities. Councils are required by legislation to consult with the community regarding the draft Long-Term Plan before it is changed and approved by the city council.

The Long-Term Plan consultation provides an opportunity for residents and ratepayers to provide input into what council is doing with scope to change the direction of council activities. According to the Local Government Act 2002, one purpose of the Long-Term Plan is to “provide a basis for accountability of the local authority to the community”.

CityWatch NZ encourages people to get informed about what their council is doing and planning, then use the Long-Term Plan consultation process to share their views with their city council.

Here is a brief guide to public consultation for the Long-term Plan:

  • Take the opportunity to put your concerns or ideas on the record by sending something into the Long-term Plan consultation.
  • Whether you send in two lines or two pages, it is important that your views are recorded.
  • Either follow the city council’s prompts or attach a document with feedback organised your way.
  • Use firm language in your feedback and words such as “object”, “unacceptable”, and “must”.
  • Be clear about what you want and do not want Council to be doing with your city.
  • Use the opportunity make council aware of problems and recommend ways to fix those problems. e.g “too many weeds, post holes and speedbumps – please review this spending”…’the city is looking run-down, grubby and gloomy – please get the priorities right”
  • If you have time, also state that you want to speak to Council during the next phase of the Long-term Plan consultation which involves verbal feedback.


For Hamilton City’s Long-term Plan consultation go to this website and send in your consultation feedback before the 21st of April 2024

Consultation finishes on 21 April 2024 for the Hamilton City Council Long-term Plan 2024-2034