This should be a list of the email addresses for Councillors at the Tauranga City Council.

However, local government democracy appears to be suspended at Tauranga City Council.

[Last updated 03/04/2024]

The Tauranga City Council website states

“On 9 February 2021, four commissioners replaced our mayor and councillors.

The Commission’s initial appointment was expected to conclude at the October 2022 local government elections, however, Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta has reappointed the existing four commissioners for a new commission term running from 26 April 2022 through to July 2024, when the next local election for Tauranga City Council will be held.”

Remember to be calm, peaceful, and fact-based when emailing or phoning Councillors Central Government appointed Commissioners. Stay firm, reasonable, and focus on the issues.

Mayor  Commission Chair

Councillors Commissioners


The Tauranga City Council website also states that Commissioner clinics are also available:

Commissioner clinics

Commissioner clinics are held once a month – this is your opportunity to speak to a commissioner directly with any questions or concerns you may have.

2024 Commissioner Clinic Dates

20 March
24 April
29 May
26 June

Meetings are held in the Commission Office, Level 3, 306 Cameron Road, Tauranga.

If you would like to book in a 20min clinic time please contact Executive Assistant Maree King on