The public consultation for lowering the speed limit on Hamilton’s Wairere Drive closes on 7 March 2025.

The following information has been copied from the Hamilton City Council webpage…




Hamiltonians can now have their say on a proposal to reduce the speed limit on a section of Wairere Drive, between Arthur Porter Drive and Pukete Road, to enable a PAK’nSAVE supermarket to be built.

Hamilton City Council is proposing to reduce the speed from 80km/h to 60km/h to make the intersection of Wairere Drive and Karewa Place safer for those accessing the new supermarket.

As a requirement of the PAK’nSAVE’s resource consent, traffic lights will be installed at this intersection to allow for a right turn into (but not out of) Karewa Place from Wairere Drive. This consultation does not revisit that decision, and no further feedback on this is being sought.

The speed limit reduction is expected to have minimal impact on travel time in the area as currently the road averages speeds of around 62 – 68km/h.

Council previously consulted on this change in 2021, and it was approved. However, since then the central Government’s new Land Transport Rule, Setting of Speed Limits 2024, was introduced which requires Council to consult once again.

The 6358m2 PAK’nSAVE in Te Rapa will bring economic and social benefits to the city through construction spending, job creation, support for local businesses with more people stopping by the area, and better access to food and fuel for the community.

It’s expected the supermarket will cater to an area where around 80,000 people live, and bring in customers from as far as Ngaaruawaahia, Rototuna, Rotokauri, Te Rapa and north of Forest Lake. Rotokauri North-West is a key growth area in Hamilton, with 16,000 new residents expected in Rotokauri and 4000 in Te Rapa North in the coming decades.

The community has until 7 March 2025 to give feedback which they can share online at

Alternatively, a paper copy of the feedback form can be sent to Council in the following ways:

  • Post to: Freepost 172189, Hamilton City Council, Communication and Engagement team, Wairere Drive Speed Limit Reduction, Private Bag 3010, Hamilton, 3240.
  • Deliver to the Municipal Building Reception or any branch of Hamilton City Libraries.

For more information on the consultation, visit “


Further reading on this issue:

OPINION: Speed bumps for Wairere Drive

Opposing the planned raised platform on Wairere Drive at the Karewa Place turnoff

OPINION: Speed bumps coming to Wairere Drive