After being arrested and released by police on the 10th of September 2024, Murray Shaw showed up at Hamilton District Court to face a trespass charge as part of the ongoing dispute around the Shaw’s Bird Park.

Murray Shaw arrived at the courthouse before his scheduled appearance at 9:00am on the 4th of October 2024.  The Shaws, along with a group of supporters and observers, were disappointed to see that Murray’s name was not up on the court’s digital board of the cases and appearances for the day. Murray went to inquire with the court, and return to inform the group that the case has been rescheduled to the 19th of November 2024. He was told they had a “meeting yesterday”. Murray said the meeting date was moved “without us and without our knowledge”. According to the Shaws, this is not the first time the courts have held meetings in their absence and without informing them.

A letter arrived later in the mail which claims that that the Registrar had decided on the 1st of October 2024 to adjourn their hearing to the 19th of November 2024.

Murray Shaw is currently on bail. His bail conditions look like they forbid him from being within 1 metre of the entirety of Hall Road.  The Bird Park is located on Hall Road, along with multiple titles which he owns along with his wife Margaret.

The Shaws plan to be back in the Hamilton District Court for the 10:00am hearing on the 19th of November 2024, after a holiday away from the drama.


Further reading on this issue:

OPINION: Shaw’s Bird Park: Broken Promises and Debt-fuelled Destruction

Shaw’s Bird Park: Diggers, Barricades, and Trespass Notices

Shaw’s Bird Park, the road, and the Council: A bureaucratic nightmare in Hamilton