Tim Macindoe’s Invited Opinion Piece
[All candidates for the 2024 By-elections were invited to supply CityWatch NZ with an opinion piece.]
As a candidate in the Hamilton City Council East Ward by-election, I am campaigning on the slogan “Stop the waste!”, as I am deeply concerned that the majority of our current city councillors are continuing to commit to unaffordable and often wasteful expenditure, demonstrating a lack of concern for our city’s worrying fiscal position, especially with debt having risen sharply in recent times and now sitting above $850 million.
I am committed to ending wasteful expenditure on unpopular projects that most of our local people do not want, and which are clearly unaffordable. The recent disruption to our roading network, with a plethora of speed humps and in-lane bus stops, is causing considerable frustration and anger in our city and must stop.
It is not Council’s job to try to force motorists out of their cars. The speed humps are causing distress to many who live with back pain and other health challenges, as the constant jolts are painful for them. Ironically, given that advocates for these “road calming” measures usually claim to be concerned about our environment, the speed humps are contributing to a marked increase in carbon emissions from all forms of local transport because of the constant deceleration and acceleration that they necessitate.
I am also opposed to the 25.5% rate increase that our councillors have proposed for the year ahead. Over the next three years the projection is for a 54% increase in our rates unless significant changes are made immediately. This level of increase is unjustifiable and well beyond the reach of those who are on low or fixed incomes.
That is why I am arguing that Council must downsize and cut its spending in order to balance the books – a feat they have seldom achieved in the last 20 years. This year’s expected deficit is $75 million. That is irresponsible, and unacceptable to me. If elected, I will advocate to rein in spending across the board.
Council must focus on delivering its core services well and keeping ahead of the infrastructure demands faced by our rapidly growing city.
All non-essential work and pet projects must be deferred or cancelled until the city’s financial position is much healthier. More of the same is not an option and our ratepayers are crying out for relief.
I am also advocating to end our current ward system, which currently sees Hamilton’s eligible voters restricted to electing councillors on one side of our city only. All councillors decide how our rates are spent, so ratepayers should have the right to choose from all candidates across the city at each local body election. Not to have this right is fundamentally undemocratic.
Ngā mihi nui,
Hon Tim Macindoe
Candidate for Hamilton City Council, East Ward
Registered Celebrant
E: tim.macindoe@gmail.com
L: linkedin.com/tim-macindoe
F: https://www.facebook.com/timhmacindoe
I: instagram.com/timhmacindoe
CC BY-ND 4.0
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