Roger Stratford’s Invited Opinion Piece

[All candidates for the 2024 By-elections were invited to supply CityWatch NZ with an opinion piece.]


Thank you for your invitation.
I am standing in the 2024 Hamilton East General Ward by-election to become the replacement councillor for outgoing Hamilton City Councillor Ryan Hamilton. I am the Secretary of the Hamilton Residents & Ratepayers Association.
My campaign strategy is unlike any other for Council. I will strengthen the Christian moral voice by introducing a Mormon Ward at Temple View, or for those in the Church who regard that Ward as their primary address. This will better reflect family values in Council decision making.
I will support the necessary transport measures that Council has begun to modernise our city infrastructure. I marvel at the wonderful improvements that in-lane bus stops and raised pedestrian crossings bring to our CBD.
I have complete and full confidence in the 2024/25 Annual Plan Submission process, so will not prejudice those discussions by presenting my views on the 25.5 percent rate increase for the current year.
I will heal the divide on Council. This includes at Meetings, where a standardised greeting will be reinforced outside of formalities. The public feel excluded through the practice of the hongi and this must be discouraged on Council premises.
One of the responsibilities of local governance is to ensure the wellbeing of residents. Young men should be encouraged to become gentlemen; likewise, young women should be encouraged to become ladies. I will address ‘occupational nepotism’, whereby lifestyles are inherited within narrow, middle-class enclaves.
This vacancy has been left by an overrated politician, now in Parliament. Good luck to them! Unfortunate for them, fortunate for Hamilton City. I was raised here in Hamilton and understand the unique challenges faced by ordinary people. The outgoing councillor failed to understand the deep commitment the city has to it’s modern heritage, by deserting Founders.
What I will not do, is make careless, insensitive jokes about throwing “my two wives” off a building on-screen, as one of the other candidates has done; explaining it’s apparent harmlessness by the audible laughter of fellow select committee MPs during the Covid Lockdown. I will engage with current Councillors respectfully.
I will work constructively with the experienced council staff on hand, address the media imbalance by ordering an inquiry into journalistic standards at the Waikato Times and make the Waikato Chamber Of Commerce pay it’s fair share of development contributions.
Vote for myself, Roger Stratford, as your replacement representative on Council in 2024.
Roger Stratford,
Candidate 2024 Hamilton East Ward by-election.

CC BY-ND 4.0

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