Previously the roundabout at the corner of Thomas Road and Horsham Downs Road allowed 2 lanes, those turning left did not impede those turning right or travelling straight through the roundabout.
The alleged safety enhancement made in 2022 to the roundabout increased the width of the footpath(s), eliminating the left turn lane and installed three (3) Pedestrian Asphaltic Concrete Raised Ramps (Speed Bumps), and was called a “Facilities Upgrade”.
The budget for the Thomas Road/Horsham Downs Road roundabout safety upgrade was $1,400,000 with funding shared between Hamilton City Council (49% – $686,000) and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Ltd (51% – $714,000).
The ‘safety’ aspect has had a consequence of increased congestion, all traffic is now in one lane, those turning left have to wait their turn in the queue of traffic resulting in increased congestion particularly at peak times and most noticeably at school drop off and pick up times.